

Brand & Art Direction: Molly O’Neill
Illustration: Cameron Smith
Original Brand, Photo: Scout STP


Brand Refresh
Print Design

Scout is a local LGBTQIA+ owned apparel and gift shop based in the Twin Cities. They carry planet positive, casual, and outdoorsy brands. We were so excited to get brought into the fold for a brand refresh to celebrate their fifth anniversary!

Their main logo and color palette of hunter green and safety orange were iconic to their brand, so we were sure to keep those elements intact. We did not want to alienate their loyal customer base, and we also wanted to save them from having to remanufacture more permanent—and expensive—signage at their two locations.

From there, we expanded their logo suite, color palette, and typography system. Pulling inspiration from traditional sign painting motifs, trail maps, and outdoor gear, we translated the fun and friendly personalities of the shop owners into a visual brand system! Their updated brand identity is flexible so it can carry them through seasonal color changes, rotating product offerings, and special events that they put on throughout the year.


Noted by Post-it

